- Higher Productivity, Faster Growth - our advanced trading algorithms ensure maximum productivity from your trades, leading to faster growth and more overall traffic on your site (see features)!
- Better Traffic Quality - our sophisticated traffic filtering and anti-cheating mechanisms eliminate fake hitbot traffic and allow you to spot low quality trades easily!
- Easy To Install - just start the automated 2-minute web install routine, no cron jobs need to be set and no MySQL database setup or SSH interventions are required. It can't get any easier than this!
- Runs On Autopilot - there's no need to babysit your sites daily and tweak forces and other details when your trade script does all of that for you in an optimal way!
- Affordable For Anyone - You can start with our free 2% skim version, when your site is growing you can simply upgrade to the full version at an affordable price of $100 after 2nd licence.
Our goal was to create the best and most powerful traffic trade script that meets the needs of newbies and experienced webmasters alike. We are quite proud of the result, we bet you will love it too. TradePulse auto-adjusts its trading algorithms according to your site and your trades, no matter the size, and it is totally customizeable for aggressive or semi-dormant trading. You will see the difference reflected in your bottom-line!
Every webmaster we deal with is important to us and we count on your feedback to make this unique script even better. If you're not convinced yet please take a look at the feature list - just compare for yourself, you won't find most of these features in any other trade script. You can also check out the demo and screenshots below, and register now to download your free version and start playing with it!

- Linux/Unix like operating system
- PHP version > 4.x
- safe mode OFF
- sockets support ON
- allow_url_fopen ON
- GD2 module
- FTP access for install
- IonCube Loader

Url: | Please CONTACT US for demo |
Username: | demo |
Password: | demo11 |