Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 - 22.12.2014.
   Dear clients and friends, as each year we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are of course running holiday promotion. We will double money what you add to your ScriptPulse account. Yes, thats right, send $100 and we will fund you with $200. We are also running special offer for unlimited TP licence for price of $999. Offers are valid till 10.1.2015.
Please update your TradePulse - 18.12.2014.
   New update TP Version 1.0.46 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013 - 21.12.2012.
   Dear clients and friends, as each year we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are of course running holiday promotion. We will double money what you add to your ScriptPulse account. Yes, thats right, send $500 and we will fund you with $1000. We are also running special offer for unlimited TP licence for price of $1499. Offers are valid till 1.1.2013.
Please update your TradePulse - 5.3.2012.
   New update TP Version 1.0.9 build 44 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 11.11.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.7 build 41 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 04.11.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.7 build 40 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 15.10.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.7 build 39 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 14.10.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.7 build 38 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 13.10.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.7 build 36 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 13.10.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.6 build 35 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 14.09.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.6 build 30 is out. U can see complete change log here.
We want to say special thanks to Hrvoje Spoljar from Reflected Networks for his BIG help to us!
Please update your TradePulse - 8.04.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.5 build 26 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 4.04.2011.
   New update TP Version 1.0.5 build 25 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 25.11.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.5 build 24 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 2.11.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.5 build 23 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 3.10.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.4 build 22 is out. U can see complete change log here. This update is just BUG FIXES form last build, new update with all new features is coming VERY SOON!
Please update your TradePulse - 21.06.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.3 build 21 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 21.06.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.3 build 20 is out. U can see complete change log here.
Please update your TradePulse - 17.06.2010.
   New update TP Version 1.0.3 build 19 is out. U can see complete change log here.
DRASTIC price drop - 10.02.2010.
I've spoken recently with many webmasters, they all have (mostly) one thing in common lately - bad sales and conversion ratios. This ends up that their ROI when they build/grow site is much lower then before and profit margins are very TIGHT.

We at unfortunately can't affect industry earnings/standards and profits, but we decided to lower down price till hopefully good sales days come back and we can all together, again, earn MUCH more.

To keep long story short, instead of fixed 250$ per license, Trade Pulse now costs 250$ for first license, 150$ for second and 100$ for any additional licenses. This will for sure lower down our profit, but, about what again we think here are our clients so we decided to make this step just to help YOU - OUR CLIENT. We really hope that our ScriptPulse family will become even larger and that more webmasters will give a shot to current no.1 trade script by features, innovations and from today - PRICE.

Please update your TradePulse - 15.08.2009.
   New update TP Version 1.0.2 build 18 is out. U can see complete change log here.

Please update your TradePulse - 27.07.2009.
   New update TP Version 1.0.2 build 17 is out. U can see complete change log here. Please read it, especially those of you who use TradePulse on tube scripts, blog platforms and complicated cms systems!

Please update your TradePulse - 16.06.2009.
   New update TP Version 1.0.2 build 16 is out. U can see complete change log here. Make sure to go to network/manage to set up PULSE TRADES for your site(s)!

Please update your TradePulse - 29.03.2009.
   New update TP Version 1.0.2 build 15 is out. U can see complete change log here. From now on Trade Pulse Change Log Will be posted on ScriptPulse forum under ChangeLog category.

Please update your TradePulse - 09.03.2009.
   We fixed all so far known issues in this build: system languages under countries now work, arrows added in trade status when U add/edit trade, timed force is fixed when adding trades via bulk add, timed force now works with more then 24 hours, trade.php on signup is now centered, issue with gg and g outs (group outs) skim is now fixed, grab thumbs from custom url, toplist clicks are no more affected as in rpevious builds with settings from table of specialized out settings(settings/out), bulk improt from atx fixed, sync algo fixed, copy trades with forces now works and email stats/prod drop email is now fixed. It was a lot of work but finally we tweaked all known bugs. Let's move on to new features - we are preparing some newer seen before features and I can bet you will love them!!!

Please update your TradePulse - 23.02.2009.
   Since many of you guys told us v11 algo worked much better we released this update with algo from v11, update with bug fixes is coming within 2 weeks after we test all.

Addition to build 12 - 26.01.2009.
   Custom thumbs for each trade is improved to work better and we tweaked network stats to work better so we released this addition to build 12. We apologize for 2 updates in 2 days but this was really needed because we discovered this issues today in the morning after some third time extra tests we performed.

Please update your TradePulse - 25.01.2009.
   We have fixed all known bugs in trade pulse like link stats, toplist thumbs, history stats, network stats and many other smaller issues. We improved thumbs grabber with minimum image size, added copy trades from your current site to another sites in your network(just mass select in index stats and use copy function in mass edit), added external user info feature to toplists(if enabled in admin ofcourse), minimal image size for thumbs grabber, tweaked algo to work EVEN BETTER and added return in network stats. This update is largest so far and it fixes MANY issues so now you can enjoy even more your polished TradePulse!

TradePulse PROMO is ending SOON - 17.01.2009.
   We would like to inform all our clients that Trade Pulse PROMO price of 100$ per copy is available for ONLY . New price will be announceed for public when PROMO PERIOD ends. All current customers with money on their accounts will get money modified with factor newprice/oldprice.

Please update your TradePulse - 2.01.2009.
   Small bug (changing admin area password related) fixed.

Please update your TradePulse - 31.12.2008.
   We have fixed some bugs, like stop-words for thumbs grabber, auto-login in the top drop-down menu, link stats and more...

Please update your TradePulse - 19.11.2008.
   We added importer for sloth trader, url encoding in out.php is now supported, added small missing gif and domains in groups are now clickable. I hope you like this fast update, more coming soon! Send us input on forum how things work, we can never test on ALL POSSIBLE CONFIGS!

   All people who have problem with logging in to your script after build 8 update please download, unzip and upload in BINARY mode to your TP folder(overwrite old file).

Please update your TradePulse - 16.11.2008.
   Login issues for some clients should be solved with this update, we made Overload Protection more secure, added instant force to mass edit, fixed reset not working issue, from now on hourly forces are not delivered to inactive trades, so when pushing new trades use timed force or instant force. Dynamic skim, nitro and high boosts are polished to work better, we fixed some issues with thumb grabbing for toplist, default is removed from bg color, we added bg color for new trades, importer from at script is improved(you can pick fields now), new field notes added to trades so you can write some useful notes about each trade if you need it and many more small issues solved...I hope you will like current update and that TradePulse is even better now. If there are any problems ping us on support forum we are always here to help you out!

Please update your TradePulse - 2.11.2008.
   Heyla folks, our first update is out. We fixed issue with forces, small issue with ssi_in.php include, server load should work now on all distro's, algo was tweaked even further and we added new feature - you can now send to custom TRADE url and count it as out hit - read more in our manual to see details about this feature!

TradePulse v1.0 Released To The Public - 1.11.2008.
   We are proud to announce you that ScriptPulse first product - TradePulse - most advanced trade script available on the market is finally released to the public! After long testing and with BIG help of our pre-release testers we managed to squezee all bugs out and bring you this fantastic product!
All pre-release customers please contact us before updating your scripts to latest build!