External info feature
What is it?
The easiest way to explain the External Info Feature is to compare it to sharing between trades WHAT surfer already visited. If all of the sites would use this feature - surfer would never be sent to the same site twice; this issue is a very important one indeed, because all of us are after unique traffic, aren't we?
Explanation with images
Script WITHOUT external info

All sites here are running on scripts without external info feature.
1) Surfer goes from site A to B.
2) The surfer goes from site B to C
3) Script of site C 'doesn't know' that surfer already visited site A and it sends surfer to the site A again.
Script WITH external info

Sites B and C are running on TradePulse, site A on another trade script.
1) Surfer goes from site A to B.
2) Script of site B (TradePulse) sends this surfer to site C and informs site C about all already visited sites(including site A).
3) Script of site C 'knows' that this surfer already visited site A and it sends this surfer to another site!
Looks good? In result we get more 'external' productivity (surfers don't visit same sites twice) and we get more quality hits back from our trades.
This feature is optional but it's turned on by default. If you decide to turn it off go to 'Settings' -> 'Out Settings' -> Use external user info and remove checkbox. Additionally you are able to turn off this feature for each trade separately in the trade edit section.
Visited domains will be delivered using GET method, on the end of the URL
Example: http://www.yourtrade.com/?x=1234.2376.8955.0211
The more sites we have using this feature, the more benefits we will see from it. All script developers who want to use this technology please contact us and we will give you detailed info on how to do it!