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This are overall network stats where you can preview all your sites in your network


In Network/Manage you can manage your existing sites and add new ones to your network, also sync network settings to your other sites(recommended)

Network growth

Network Growth is used to grow new (or existing sites) in your network by sending % of traffic from all network sites to that 1 site. You can set % of total out traffic to be sent from each site in your network, and target size of new(or existing site) which you are feeding with traffic.

Mass Update

Mass update is used to mass update all your sites in network with single mouse click.

Pulse Trades

Pulse Trades is directory of traders using Trade Pulse where you can fast find new trades, check their stats - basically system to fast find good trades.


Buddies are your Pulse Trades friends who don't need to get approved to start trades with your sites.